Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So, I have to say that Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. When else do you get to dress up and be someone you really aren't. Not to mention all of the candy.

My kids where a lot of fun this year. All three of them are old enough to choose what they want to be. This year Brittany wanted to be a Football player. She had a lot of fun with this costume. She really likes the Patriots so she was excited when that was the jersey to her costume.

Brytan was a boxer. He loved it. He was the last one to decide what to be. He wanted to be a spy, but when he explained what the costume should look like he described more of a thief. I just happened to find the boxer costume at KMart and though he would settle for that. His only request was that I didn't make him look stupid.
BryDee wanted to be a Cheerleader. I guess this came as no surprise since she has been telling me this since last year. She was very cute. She loved the pom poms. I have to admit, I did not. I am still finding little parts that they have shed all over my house. Oh well she had a blast.

We had a lot of parties to go to on Halloween. First was BryDee's pre school party, next off to the Halloween parade for Cleveland Elementary. Then both Brittany and Brytan had a party in their class. I was in charge of the drinks for their parties so I dressed as a witch and made them witches brew. It was a lot of fun. After school we went to my mom and dads to carve pumpkins. It has been a tradition to carve them with Grandpa Jerry and that was the best time to catch up with him. Off to the Trunk or Treat at the elementary and we finished up with the carnival. It was a long day but it was a lot of fun.
I couldn't forget that Brinley was a monster. She was the cutest monster I have ever seen!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Brytan has a new Idol!

This is Charley Jenkins. He was on Nashville star this year. He got voted off first which was so uncalled for. We saw him for the first time a few years ago. He and his band opened for anther band for the Emery County Fair Days. We have seen him quite a few times since and Brytan is one of his biggest fans. We were at Melon Days and had met him in the park. Brytan asked Charlie if he could buy a hat from him and he didn't have any with him, they were already at the park where he was going to be performing. We waited after their concert and bought Brytan a hat and had Charley autograph it for him. He was so nice. When we got through the line to get the autograph Charlie remembered Brytan and it made his day. He has been very protective of his autographed hat and can hardly wait to ride in his dad's truck where the CD's are so he can listen to him.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My baby is off to school. Its official, I'm old.

BryDee has been waiting a long time for this day. She was so heart broke last year when I was being selfish and wouldn't let her go to preschool yet. I wanted to have some quality time with her because she is the baby and has always had to share me. She wanted every day to go to school and it didn't help that when she wanted to call her best friend over to play that she couldn't because the friend was at school.
She wasn't scared one bit. She was excited and marched in there like she had been doing it for years. It helps to have such a great teacher that has a way of making 18 kids feel like they are all the favorites.
I am sure there are a lot of fun stories to come from preschool. Stay tuned.

Brytan's first day of 2nd Grade

Brytan a second grader, you have got to be kidding.He was not as excited as he looks. He has spent the last few weeks of summer helping his uncle work and farm which made his days. It has been a adjustment for him and us. He will be fine at least I hope.

First Day of School for Brittany

Brittany is a 5th grader. Can you even imagine? Most days I don't feel old enough to have a 10 year old. She was so excited for school to start, that she got up on time. That doesn't happen around here very often, myself included. She is getting more independent and would not let me pick out her clothes. She did a good job all by her self. I wish her luck!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My kids are growing up. Brittany is now 10, Brytan is 7 and BryDee is 4. They are all 3 great kids. Completely different which surprises me some days that they can have the same parents and not be more alike. I suppose that is how is for most families but is still amazes me that I can love them all the same but in completely different ways and for different reasons.

We finaly have a Niece!!

Meet Brinley, she is our first niece. Bryant and I have waited 13 years to say we are Uncle Bryant and Aunt Monica to someone. My kids finally have a cousin and they are loving her. Is she not the most beautiful baby you have ever seen. We think so. Her parents are Bret and Crystal. They are pretty proud too. She is 3 months old and is 8 lbs 8 oz. Needless to say she is taking after her mother, beautiful and tiny.